Thursday, June 19, 2008

Strangeness Afoot (50th Post!)

I love bizarre news. The tendency for negative events to get fierce coverage lend the stories documenting all of the weird things that happen to us in our misunderstood existence a welcomed appeal.

That said, a foot has washed upon the Canadian shore of Vancouver, near the Campbell River, again. This is the sixth time this has happened.

Think about that for a second. Walking along the beach, hand in hand with your lover, friend, escort--whatever, when the thoughts you've been savoring along with the view are jarred away as you stop and do a double take at what is normally a mundane event (oh wow, a lone, dirty shoe!), and notice that rather stiff looking sock...

"Is that fuckin' foot?" You wonder. After a few of what I would hope are the strangest seconds on this particular day, you would get close enough to confirm that oh yes, that is indeed a severed foot you have stumbled upon.

That happened six separate times in the same area. And, like a rape statistic, that's just reported events (I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I could resist having a foot in a jar on my coffee table, that's a jackpot in my book).

The latest foot, it looked severed, but not all of the six do. One commonality is they were all in shoes. While police are refusing to speculate, but facts are facts. Shoe soles create enough buoyancy to float and keep the meat away from most of the oceans feeders (Should that feeters or is that not punny?). And going one step back, any body in the water--never mind how it got there, eventually begins seperating.

However, how the foots achieved their infamous severed status is all speculation--crime syndicates, boating accidents, medical waste disposal gone wrong, not loving Jesus enough--really you can fill in the blank however you like. My current favorite for the small fleet of feet is they're from victims of that 2004 Tsunami. I like the image of Mr. Foot drifting about the currents for 4+ years.

But, I'm a romantic.


lordofthemorning said...

Maybe it's resultant of drowners' dying wishes to have "one foot back on solid ground." You never know.

Unknown said...

dude I haven't been keeping up with the news since I don't have regular TV/radio access anymore... but I just read that this morning!

Fucking Weird!!!!!!
I think it was probably from a plane crash or something.

ps. i adore puns