Monday, March 18, 2013

I may have been born out of wedlock

But from where I'm sitting you are all just a bunch of illegitimate bastards.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Death in the family

Once upon a birthday I got a DC collectors set of glasses. Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman and Green Lantern. Great for sensible amounts of juice, milk and honey whiskey.
   The other night Batman took a fatal roll off the counter. I tried to save him but he bounced off my outstretched foot--meant to cushion the poor glass,  but alas, he shattered upon the linoleum.
   Today, as I did the dishes and washed the surviving three glasses, I glared at Green Lantern, and like a parent quietly seething at their least favorite child skipping through the room, full of life while their favorite kid lies cold and dead in the ground, I whispered, "I wish it had been you."