Monday, June 23, 2008

I Think You Mean FUNday!

I’ve been wondering how Monday’s got such a bad reputation. My current place of employment has weekend hours, but 99% of the employed work the standard M – F, eight hours a day sort of shift.

Today, being Monday, my place of employment is rife with something that is being easily shrugged off. People are in bad moods, going home early and in some cases, not even showing up.
And, when it’s not actually Monday, I’ve had people in a shitty mood explain that in their work world, today is their Monday—meaning they just started the work week.

Now, there are some people who will tell me it’s not the fact that it’s Monday, they’re just having a bad day—any ill effects are coincidental with the day of the week.

I like the Monday Factor because it really demonstrate how willing we are to shrug off any and all accountability. Maybe you hate your job and you need an entire day to muster up the energy to deal with the impending week’s worth of work—but not liking your job is hardly a unique condition. Even people who love their jobs don’t love everything about that job.

I’m not confused by all the bad things being more obvious when there are no days behind you. Current day work conditions don’t help much either—most places I hear about not only don’t offer vacation time, if they do you can count on the fact that it is NOT paid time off.

Some of you do though! And good on you—I try not to begrudge other their good fortune, but it’s hard not to be resentful, especially if you look at the distribution of wealth. We’re not, though. Not in this one.

My favorite people who rage on Mondays are the people who seem to be completely blind to the fact that they have some input on their own lives. They spend the last half of Friday dicking around and then big surprise! The following Monday doesn’t just roll out nice and smooth for them and suddenly the universe is conspiring against them—they’re just that important to the Grand Scheme.

When it comes down to it, none of us enjoy the fact we spend the making someone else rich and paying taxes while we do it. But don’t blame Monday—especially since it’s such a good night for sports.

1 comment:

Melody said...

There is an ass hat I work with that always hates evertday that he works, he always say "I am just happy to be here." or my fav, I hate Friday, it's my monday. I have Sunadays, I hate Monday, because it's Monday, or I hate Tuesday it's my Friday.