Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dear Consumer: You are Dumb. Signed, Advertisers.

I absolutely love it when companies slightly alter a product and then market it with the "new and improved" tagline.

The latest new and improved product: Gotarts!

Finally! Those huge, hand sized toaster snacks are FINALLY unchained by their less than aerodynamic form. Now, in this glorious age of technology you can finally take the pop tarts with you!

"Impossible! Shut up, asshole!" you might be saying. "I've tried to leave the house with plain pop tarts and the results were SO disastrous I moved a few towns over and changed my name."

Friends, it's true. Embarrassing pop tart related moments are on a definite decline with advent of a slimmer, smaller, more expensive breakfast treat (a treat for everyone but teeth!). Sure, you may still have to drive your non-flying cars on the ground and teleporting is years off--but in the mean time, you can enjoy a poptart as you go.

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