Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Question of Truth

The next sentence is true. The previous sentence was a lie.

Something about paradox is fascinating to me. Maybe it's because I view it as the father, or at the very least, the grandfather of hypocrisy.


Anonymous said...

Could God make a tit so large, that even he could not suckle it?

(I kinda made myself uncomfortable with that one, damn mormon upbringing making me feel bad about blasphemy.)

Anonymous said...

BTW, I chose myself an alias. No more colechapman crap (especially since it should be FLOWERS now anyway, but I am to lazy to get myself to the DMV, the social security office and change my email, in order to officially be MRS. FLOWERS. Seriously though, the DMV is in FUCKING Hurricane. Also, do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass it is to convert all your emails and contacts over to a new email address? Answer-Huge pain in da ass!!!

Also, 5384534958 bonus points if you can figure out where my alias was inspired from. (HINT: Dr. Who always travels with...???)

And yes, I left a long ass comment since no one has been commenting around here lately. See, I am the bestest ever (wife of a best) friend you could ever wish for!