Saturday, April 9, 2011

When did this start?!

I'm as shocked as anyone.

I mean, my god, when did Manny Ramirez turn into a douche bag?!

Oh wait, his whole career! I don't really care about steroids. The official hammer dropping came at a most convenient time--after rampant performance enhancing usage drew everyone's attention to a fastly failing national past time. A lot of people in baseball did The Steroids but not a lot of players put up the kind of numbers the stars get scrutinized for putting up. Not that I feel bad for them either.

I guess I'm kind of old school, I like it when someone gets hit by a pitch and the next inning so does the other team. I like it when players who treat the game with class. Getting traded to the Dodgers because of mouthing off about your team after refusing to play because of made up soreness is crappy.

I hear he was a funny dude to have around though. So, I'm not saying I wouldn't have a drink with Manny Ramirez, I'm sure I would (have your people call mine, Moro!). I'm sure he's a fucking hoot to have at the summer bbq and he if he's not good at video games now, I suspect in the coming months Mr. Ramirez is going to get quite good at Call of Duty.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


YOU have mood swings!!!