Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Fucking Irony

I hate holidays in general, or at least what they've become. The history of the holiday is usually pretty interesting. I'm so old school (Old skool) the original practices usually sound more interesting than the collective assault from advertisers competing for my dollar.

I hate Jesusmas, but I love my kids, so I'm more or less stuck celebrating it. And, watching open their crap is a warm fuzzy (warm fuzzies are allowed if you of the hairy bastard breed--and trust me, I'm allowed MANY warm fuzzies).

However, I have to say it's pretty ironic that Mrs. Bastard has the first name of Noel. French, for xmas. The one person I'm living life with has a namesake of one of the most symbolic events of monetary based evil.

Fucking irony.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I work for an internet company. The thing about internet companies is they tend to dabble in a bit of this and a bit of that. Where I work, employee A has no idea what employee B is doing atthe other end of the office.

Me, I'm right in the middle, so I have a general sense about most our products. One of our bits of this (but not of that) is we were hired by a non-profit organization to increase the amount of blood it collected. Our program was very simple and basic; you donate enough blood and you get to pick an item off a website we're hosting. A prize for giving away your blood rather than sell it to make up companies.

Some people though, they don't care for an item and chose a "Nah, it's cool" option rather than get a gift. Which is such a waste for some many reasons. We didn't like the idea of unspent prizes though. We had to think of something useful to do with the people uniterested in prizes (that's right, fuck off altruism.)

I had the idea of putting a donation alternative for another charity that does a lot for children (many of whom I selfishly hope are lil bastardlings). It's a little institute called St. Judes. I got everything ready to go and was enjoying the warm glow I get now and then when I deviate from my bastardliness. But, what did the non-profit blood organization say?


"If they're going to donate to anyone it should be to us."

Sorry kids! Try and get better so you can donate blood when (and if!) you get healthy--but until then you can fuck right off. Oh, and try to ignore the fact we sell your blood for a mininum of $80 a pint and that we recently increased the amount of blood gathered by almost double (thanks to an internet company incentive).

Greedy vampires. Might as well sell your blood folks. At least they're not hiding behind a comfortable facade of charity, you know, when it's convenient.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dear Consumer: You are Dumb. Signed, Advertisers.

I absolutely love it when companies slightly alter a product and then market it with the "new and improved" tagline.

The latest new and improved product: Gotarts!

Finally! Those huge, hand sized toaster snacks are FINALLY unchained by their less than aerodynamic form. Now, in this glorious age of technology you can finally take the pop tarts with you!

"Impossible! Shut up, asshole!" you might be saying. "I've tried to leave the house with plain pop tarts and the results were SO disastrous I moved a few towns over and changed my name."

Friends, it's true. Embarrassing pop tart related moments are on a definite decline with advent of a slimmer, smaller, more expensive breakfast treat (a treat for everyone but teeth!). Sure, you may still have to drive your non-flying cars on the ground and teleporting is years off--but in the mean time, you can enjoy a poptart as you go.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Eat at Piggy's

One of the great things about Utah is you can treat your employees like crap. Especially if they are food servers! Then, you get to pay them half minimum wage. That said, I'd like to tip my Bastard's Hat to Iggy's of St George, Ut.

Not only do they take advantage of Utah's wonderful "fuck off" to anyone who makes tips, but they pull their servers off tables and make them do an hour or two of cleaning for that $2.15 an hour.


My hat is tipping even further down for the week of July 1st to July 7th! Iggy's got caught serving booze to a couple of 19 year old girls as part of a police sting (sting and entrapment are different things...I wonder what all the speed dealers are doing while the cops are setting these wonderful operations up?) And, rather than pay a $2,000 fine, Iggy's decided to let their customers and the servers who rely on tips for a living know just how they care about them all; they opted to NOT pay their fine and simply not serve booze for a week.

Apparently, this is bad business for a Sportsbar! Many tables walk out the second they find out they aren't eating at a Sport's Bar this week; just a Sport's nothing. It's just like eating at Chili's or Applebee's when they have the game on (except, you can get a beer).

And what does Iggy's say to keep their servers happy? That this is slowest week of the year. Now, the Iggy's in question hasn't even been open for a year, so I assume they were allowing for the numbers from their stores in the urban cities in Northern Utah to predict the Southern Utah business.

Sheer fucking genius!

Personally I'm very curious and excited what business will go in the vacated Iggy's building. Hopefully, I'll find out very, very soon.